Boba on the Road

You know what sounds cool? Going on a road trip around the world to try the best boba. Gloria Steinem wished she did that. What's so fun about traveling without boba? But, there's one thing for sure. Traveling around is so much better than farming. Sorry Kurt, but it's true.

Speaking of Kurt, I feel like roasting him a little. After reading half of Gloria Steinem's book, I feel liberated. Liberated from the monotonous series of farming fails (although I was able to make a nice fail compilation via blog posts). Kurt, you should read this book. Not even for the content, but for writing tips. What made My Life on the Road more engaging was the punctuation. Something you didn't take advantage of. At all. Although I have to give you credit for one thing. Your book was second to none in putting me to sleep. So, well done, Kurt. Until next time.

Well, now that I'm done roasting Kurt, you already know what time it is. It's time to randomly relate this all back to boba. So, I'll give you a sneak peak on my next post.


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